Obertura Tanguera. (There is also a version for chamber orchestra)


Obertura Tanguera. (There is also a version for chamber orchestra)


Fue escrita en 1993 tras un encargo de la enti­dad de Coros y orquestas juveniles de México. Su estreno se llevó a cabo dos años después por la Orquesta Sinfónica “Carlos Chávez”, bajo la dirección del maestro Fernando Lozano. Según palabras de su autor, “el nombre de Obertura Tanguera se refiere a los giros melódi­cos y rítmicos propios del tango en su expre­sión más moderna, constituyendo un homenaje a Astor Piazzolla que había fallecido pocos meses antes de comenzar a componerla. La obra tiene una estructura tripartita, con una breve introducción que de­semboca en un tema rápido, una sección cen­tral de tema lento y expresivo que ejecutan las cuerdas, que van en crescendo hasta la reexpo­sición del tema rápido, llegando a su clímax en el final.


It was written in 1993 commissioned by the institution Choirs and youth orchestras of Mexico. Its premiere took place two years later by the “Carlos Chávez” Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of maestro Fernando Lozano. In the words of its author, “the name of Obertura Tanguera refers to the melodic and rhythmic turns of tango in its most modern expression, constituting a tribute to Astor Piazzolla who had died a few months before beginning to compose it. The work has a tripartite structure, with a short introduction that leads to a fast theme, a central section of a slow and expressive theme played by the strings, which go in crescendo until the re-exposition of the fast theme, reaching its climax at the end.


Il a été écrit en 1993 à la demande de l’institution Chœurs et orchestres de jeunes du Mexique. Sa création a eu lieu deux ans plus tard par l’Orchestre Symphonique “Carlos Chávez”, sous la direction du maestro Fernando Lozano. Selon les mots de son auteur, «le nom d’Obertura Tanguera fait référence aux tournants mélodiques et rythmiques du tango dans son expression la plus moderne, constituant un hommage à Astor Piazzolla décédé quelques mois avant de commencer à le composer. structure tripartite, avec une brève introduction qui mène à un thème rapide, une partie centrale d’un thème lent et expressif joué par les cordes, qui vont en crescendo jusqu’à la ré-exposition du thème rapide, atteignant son apogée à la fin.




3(Picc.).2.2.2- Perc.(4) Harpe. Piano. Cordes
There is also a version for chamber orchestra
(see section chamber orchestra)


7 m.


Orquesta Sinfonica Carlos Chavez, Mexico, 1995


Fernando Lozano.


"Coros y Orquestas juveniles" de Mexico.


Rental inquiries: Only the PDF score to this work is available for purchase. For performance and rental inquiries for the Digital score and parts, please send a message to contact@estebanbenzecry.com with the following information: • Title of work requested • Shipping email address • Your phone number • Name of conductor • Name of orchestra • Number of performances • Performance date(s) • Date the materials are needed • Whether the audio of the performance(s) will be broadcast on radio and/or streamed, and, if so: • Platforms (Radio, streaming via web site, etc.) • Whether the performance is on-demand (i.e., non-interactive or interactive) • Target start date of the stream • Term of license (how long the stream will remain available) • What fees, if any will be charged • Whether video synchronization is requested, and, if so: • Brief description of project and/or intended use • Platforms (YouTube, Facebook, web site, etc.) • Target start date of the stream • Term of license (how long the video will remain available) • What fees, if any, will be charged


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