“Fantasia Mastay” for 14 instruments


“Fantasia Mastay” for 14 instruments

This work was commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association – Esa-Pekka Salonen Commissions Fund, Gustavo Dudamel Music Director. It was first performed at Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles on 4th May 2010, by Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Gustavo Dudamel.

According to an ancient prophecy, this is the time of the great gathering called “Mastay” (In Quechua language), and reintegration of the peoples of the four directions.

The Q’eros are the last of the Incas, a tribe of near 600 who sought refuge in a wide area of the mist-shrouded mountains of Peru near Paucartambo, between 14,000 and 22,000 feet elevation, in order to escape the conquering conquistadors.
For 500 years the Q’ero elders have preserved a sacred prophecy of a great change, or “pachacuti” in which the world be turned right-side-up, harmony and order would be restored, and chaos and disorder ended.

The Q’eros are releasing their teachings to the West, in preparation for the day in which the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South (of the Americas) will fly together again.

They believe that munay, love and compassion, will be the guiding force of this great gathering of the peoples.

The prophecy holds that North America will supply the physical strenght, or body, Europe will supply the mental aspect, or head, and the heart will be supplied by South America.

In the next years, the Incas hope that we emerge in a golden age, a golden millenium of peace.

Across this fantasy I try to represent the symbolic flight of the Eagle and the Condor together, crossing different American landscapes, in this we can listen rhythms and melodic drafts from the Andes mountains of South America passing for the Patagonian Mapuche, the bagualas and carnavalitos of the altiplane, Caribbean airs and rhythms of the North, which I use as source of inspiration to develop my own language, an imaginary folklore, that could be described as a fusion between these roots and the newests technics of the occidental contemporary music, where I integrate different procedures like minimalism, polirhythms, spectrals, pentatonics scales and multiphonics sounds, in a flight which principal message is: here there is Neither North nor South, America is only one and we will all must be united.

Music review: Gustavo Dudamel under the Green Umbrella for the first time
“….Esteban Benzecry’s “Fantasia Mastay,” a bold Argentine composer with a toe intriguingly dipped in the waters of French Modernism…”
“…For a quarter-century, Green Umbrella has served as a news outlet for new music, a place for discovery. Benzecry fit right in….”
Mark Swed


Esta obra fue escrita por encargo de Los Angeles Philharmonic Association – Esa-Pekka Salonen Commissions Fund, Gustavo Dudamel Music Director, y estrenada el 4 de mayo del 2010 en el Walt Disney Concert Hall por la Orquesta Filarmónica de Los Angeles bajo la dirección de Gustavo Dudamel.

Según una antigua profecía chamánica, este es el momento del gran encuentro llamado “Mastay” (en lengua quechua), y la reintegración de los pueblos de los cuatro puntos cardinales.

Los Q’ero son los últimos Incas – una tribu de 600 personas que buscaron refugio en las alturas superiores al os 4.200 metros con el fin de escapar de los conquistadores. Durante 500 años los jefes de la tribu Q’ero han conservado esta profecía sagrada sobre el gran cambio, o “pachacuti”, en el que el mundo daría la vuelta, y en el que la armonía y el orden se restablecerían, poniendo fin al caos y el desorden.

La profecía sostiene que el Águila del Norte y el Cóndor del Sur (las Américas) volarán juntos otra vez.

“Los nuevos guardianes de la tierra vendrán de occidente, y aquellos que han causado un mayor impacto en la Madre Tierra tienen ahora la responsabilidad moral de rehacer su relación con Ella, después de rehacerse a sí mismos”. La profecía sostiene que la América del Norte proporcionará la fortaleza física, o cuerpo; Europa proporcionará el aspecto mental, o cabeza; y el corazón lo proporcionará Sudamérica.

En los próximos años, los incas esperan que emerjamos en una era dorada, un milenio dorado de paz.

A través de esta fantasía intento representar el simbólico vuelo del Águila y el Cóndor juntos, recorriendo distintos paisajes americanos, en el que se escucharan ritmos y giros melódicos de los Andes del sur pasando por las melodías y ritmos mapuches patagónicos, las bagualas y carnavalitos del altiplano, aires caribeños y ritmos del norte, que utilizo como fuente de inspiración para desarrollar mi propio lenguaje, un folclore imaginario, una fusión entre las raíces americanas y la música occidental contemporánea, donde integro diferentes procedimientos minimalistas, poli rítmicos, espectrales, pentatónicos y sonidos multifónicos en un vuelo cuyo principal mensaje es: aquí no hay Norte ni Sur, América es una sola y todos debemos estar unidos.



Instrumentation - Piano, Perc (2) Strings


15 m.


Los Angeles Philharmonic - 04/05/2010, Walt Disney Concert Hall


Gustavo Dudamel


Los Angeles Philharmonic Association - Esa-Pekka Salonen Commissions Fund


For the digital score please send a message to contact@estebanbenzecry.com | Rental inquiries: Only the PDF score to this work is available for purchase. For performance and rental inquiries for the Digital score and parts, please send a message to contact@estebanbenzecry.com with the following information: • Title of work requested • Shipping email address • Your phone number • Name of conductor • Name of orchestra • Number of performances • Performance date(s) • Date the materials are needed • Whether the audio of the performance(s) will be broadcast on radio and/or streamed, and, if so: • Platforms (Radio, streaming via web site, etc.) • Whether the performance is on-demand (i.e., non-interactive or interactive) • Target start date of the stream • Term of license (how long the stream will remain available) • What fees, if any will be charged • Whether video synchronization is requested, and, if so: • Brief description of project and/or intended use • Platforms (YouTube, Facebook, web site, etc.) • Target start date of the stream • Term of license (how long the video will remain available) • What fees, if any, will be charged


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